Thank you for booking your Call!

You’ll find everything you need to know before then on this page.

I look forward to speaking with you, you can expect me to be in contact within the next 24 hours to nail down a time that suits you. Please make sure you’re in a quiet spot where you’ll be comfortable talking about your struggles, and what you want to achieve from coaching.

I won’t take calls where you’re on the go or can’t devote your full attention. This call could be the start of a life-changing transformation for you. It’s important, so please treat it that way.

Any questions that you may have will all be answered on the call. Can’t wait.

Here’s what to expect next…

I've received your call booking. I will review your application before the call.

I'll be in touch with you to confirm a time in the next 24 hours.

Ensure to find a quiet place to have a good in depth conversation about your current situation, current struggles and prepare to be ready to navigate through them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • It would be beneficial to have one for sure. Access to resistance training facilities is ideal.

  • Yes! Absolutely everything is delivered online, so as long as you have access to the internet, we will be just fine.

  • No! It’s my job to meet you where you’re currently at, then guide you to your goals. This means that no matter what your starting point is, you’ll benefit from coaching.

  • Absolutely. To begin, we’ll see where you currently are and are trying to get to. Typically at this stage, clients set the bar quite low because they come from a position of low self belief. I never do though, I always strive to have you surpass that area of doubt. When we start generating some momentum in the early stages, you will likely begin to realise you are capable of much more than you thought.

  • Make me aware of holiday length and location. We have various tools on managing holidays and plenty of educational content to guide you through that period. We always make it work.

  • 100%. Everything is built around you and your lifestyle. My coaching is designed to be fully flexible, so no matter how busy you are we can make it work.

  • It will not be an issue at all, most of my clients have VERY busy and demanding jobs. Your plan will be adapted and will accommodate for any schedule changes/travel.

  • Yes.

Hear it from my clients…

damien mc gowan

eamonn jordan

Client name

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